I've been tagged by Shannon so here it goes:
20 years ago: I was 24 and had been married for 5 years. We had just sold our second home and on our third move. Devyn was 2 and Jake was a newborn. Life was going good. I loved being a stay at home mom and taking care of my little ones.
10 years ago: We just moved back from Walla Walla the summer before and built and moved into our 15th home. We now had 4 children, Devyn was 12, Jake was 10, Cortney was 6 and Jed was 5. We were busy getting used to our new place and started bringing in rocks and dirt so we could finish our new yard. (which by the way turned out beautiful)
5 years ago: We just got back from going to Disney World with Devyn's cheer group for nationals. That was a lot of fun. Devyn was a cheer leader at the high school and also danced for a dance school. Cortney also danced at the same dance school. They both kept us busy going to competitions and performances. I loved watching my girls. Jake was busy playing basketball and so we went to a lot of basketball games also.
3 years ago: We sold our home to an amazing couple from California that were on a mission in Salt Lake with church security. They let us live in our home for a year and a half while we built our new home. The fact that they even bought our home from us was a blessing because we did not even have our home up for sale at the time. They just didn't realize that we came with the house. We are very close to them.
1 year ago: We moved into our 16th home, I got braces (what was I thinking), Devyn said she never heard anyone complain so much, but they hurt! Cortney tried out for the drill team at the new high school and made it. I was excited to have the opportunity to watch her dance again. I had my first grandson! He is such a blessing in my life, I try to be with him everyday.
Yesterday: I went with Devyn to look at Jaxon's 9 month pictures, they are so cute and of course I had to buy some. Then I went to the orthodondist - I get my braces off in three weeks! Then in the afternoon we took Jaxon to the doctor because he was not feeling well and he has RSV.
Today: I am with Devyn and Jaxon, he needs to go to the doctor again. After school gets out I am taking Jed to get his driver permit. He is so excited.
Tomorrow: I will probably get up and do laundry, play with Jaxon and just enjoy being with my family.
This month: I look forward to going on our ATV trip down to Mount Carmel Junction which is east of Zion's canyon. I will get to give my new Rhino a test drive to see what it can do. Also, I can't forget getting my braces off.
This year: I look forward to the many ATV trips we have planned with our family. We have so much fun and get to see so many beautiful places in this country we live in. We are going to put our yard in and enjoy being outside again. I will have another grandbaby! In November, we are going to the PBR Finals in Las Vegas again with our friends the Reefs and Websters and I can't wait.
6 days ago
looks like you have a lot planned! i did not know that you have lived in so many houses! wow! congrats on getting your braces off! i bet that you are so excited! have fun on all of your ATV trips... i cannot wait to see more pictures! love you!
yes that yard did turn out gorgeous just in time to move...hahaha i loved that house even though your new ones is breath taking...just the memories!!! And poor jaxon! :( when he is better we are coming over and you can't stop us!
I didn't know you have lived in so many houses. I can only say I knew you a house ago. Darnit. Remember us if you ever need someone to go with you all 4-wheeling. If I can ever get Shane to stay home for 2 minutes. Love ya much!
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